Saturday, September 17, 2011


 Dictionary definitionRemarkable applies to anything noticeable because it is striking, extraordinary or exceptional.

We are all remarkable. The problem is most of us have forgotten the remarkable individuals we are. How do we remember our remarkable?

The universe has a way of not letting us off the hook. There is a grand plan for each and every person’s life. Each one of us is unique and remarkable with specific reasons and a life’s purpose for being here. Most times we forget these and get lost in life. It is a game of hide and seek to find the real you.

There are many transits affecting us now and one major player is the on again, off again, Uranus square Pluto through 2015. This transit is not business as usual. It is dredging up the past and hidden parts of us not working.

Opportunities abound for us to lighten our load and let go of things not working for our highest good. There is a reason the mystery schools had “Know Thyself” written over the door. When you understand and know you, understanding and seeing others becomes easier. The emotional wounding filter is gone and the vision is clearer.

We are in the throes of a new paradigm. Many do not understand what is happening and they haven’t realized yet that the old paradigm is not working. They just feel this strong squeeze in their lives and they choose not to understand what is happening.

When you choose to ignore this new energy the consequences feel like being in muck and quicksand up to your neck. The harder you struggle against it, the faster and further you sink! Pain and fear set in and you are actually drowning in the pain of your own emotional wounding.

You can’t breathe. You have created your own prison. You can’t see why this is happening. You are stuck on the hamster wheel of life. Many start looking for quick fixes and love in all the wrong places. Something that distracts you for a moment only prolongs the agony.

Most people blame others. This is not the way out. Finding remarkable again is the way through the pain, facing it and finding you again. Taking responsibility for your mistakes, misunderstandings and patterning. Healing the bits of you that are broken is your job and road to happiness.

We are transitioning from one age to another, the old to the new. Many of us showing the way for others are climbing this ladder and we literally can’t see the next rung we are moving to. We are pioneering in new ways of beings and forms.  We are reaching out in faith, trusting and doing what is right in front of us. Knowing when the time is right we will know exactly what to do for our highest good.

The new ways and paradigm is being put into place right now by soul pods meeting together, radio shows and other pioneer souls reaching out in diverse ways to show themselves and others a new way to live. This new energy is not for the faint of heart. It is intense energy showing us where we are broken and wounded so we may heal. Only the strong are stepping up and taking action to help bring a brave new world into reality for themselves and others.

We go against all odds. We are running an obstacle course in the darkness and we must trust to know when the unseen hurdles are coming so we can jump over them. We must listen to our inner guidance. We can’t give up.

If that way doesn’t work we turn around and go in a new direction. We are not afraid to overcome the obstacles that come at us at any given moment. We handle the shock and awe and move beyond it into emotional clarity we are learning to possess.

The ones who want to grow and learn the lessons are watching what is being mirrored to them and what they are projecting onto others. We are realizing we can only fix us and no one else. New awareness and awakening is available for us now. It is helping us find our remarkable individual divine soul blue print by giving us the opportunity to remember who we truly are.


So it’s your turn to get creative, find you and get to getting and doing your job of helping bring in this new paradigm of Heaven on Earth!

I’m leaving your with this poem by Seth Godin, from the book The Big Moo

Who You Are Is What You Do

You are not a cog.
You are not an assistant or an administrator.
You're not a gofer or a middle manager, either.
No, you're creative. A valuable asset to your family and your community. A person who can make a difference to your organization.
You are capable of having an impact, leaving a legacy, creating things that are outstanding.
You are not ordinary.
In fact, you're remarkable.
Now, hurry. Don't let yourself (and the rest of us) down.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Finding Inspiration Amidst Chaos

With everything happening in our world, it is important to keep our balance and stay centered; in order to follow our inner guidance. Being able to listen to this voice will help us navigate these trying times. There is hope for tomorrow and we must all continue to find our Inspiration Amidst Chaos. My new article just released in Conscious Inspired Living Magazine is filled with Truth and Inspiration for your soul!
Our hearts, love and help go out to the people of the world; especially the ones who have gone through so much!  And we say to them and us don't give up, we must all find a better way to live and take care of ourselves and mother earth!

Full Moon, 28 Libra, April 18, 2011, 7:44 pm PDT

This Full Moon energy is a time to check our feelings and emotions regarding our self- worth issues and balance our needs and those of others. It is a time of polarization between becoming whole, healthy individuals, and embracing our self-worth and that of the partner and others. We are striving for equality and peace in relationships. With 5 planets in Aries (passion and taking action, fire element) opposing the Moon and Saturn in Libra (detached and mental, balance - the scales, air element) with a square to Pluto in Capricorn (practical, laser focus and structure, earth element); this tension is at a fever pitch calling for our attention and forcing us to take action. We need to listen to our inner guidance, and see where we need to do our lives a new way; and remember, we are all connected. We all must do our emotional clearing work, so we can heal ourselves to quicken the healing of our world.

 With Neptune in Pisces, we can either fall further into self-delusion or start to realize and feel compassion and the feelings of others. In Pisces, the boundaries are gone and we realize we are expressions of individual waves on the ocean and we are all one. We will find joy in rejoicing in others triumphs and hurt with their pain; we will be able to feel mother earth as a living organism that needs our respect and honor.

 Many of us are reaching forks in the road of our destiny, and with this come decisions and choices that will affect us for years to come. It is a very important time to move us forward on our paths and to realize things are not as bad as they may seem right now. These energies are actually making way for a brave new world for us, and we must be patient with this process. Many things seem weird, unpredictable, and irrational during this time. Hold on to the knowledge that everything is working in your favor and for your highest good. Ask your higher self, angels and guides to be shown what direction to take and to know this direction is in your best interest now!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Spring Equinox

The energies over the next 3 months will take us on a wild ride, as Uranus in Aries is in a wide square to Pluto in Capricorn and will be squaring each other for some time to come. Things will be challenging wherever this falls in your chart.

The Sun is conjunct Uranus in Aries, giving us a lot of energy for change, upheavals, revolutions and new understandings. Saturn in Libra opposes Jupiter in Aries and many other planets in Aries will bring tension and a balancing act of opposite energies; this tension will show up by working through karma we have created by our past actions and realizing the actions we take now will affect our future.

Many things we thought were important or that would last forever are now crumbling because they have become obsolete. We are facing a new reality about ourselves, our relationships, our values and the choices we make. Our belief systems are changing. We need to follow and sow the seeds of new beginnings and cycles, so that we may take new steps for a brave new world!

No one said it would be easy, but with trust and faith in a broader view of our lives and remembering everything works according to a divine plan, we realize this is a very exciting time to follow our dreams and know our paths lie right in front of us. It is time to do our lives a brand new way. We can do our part by leaving the obsolete behind and embracing what is right in front of us. We must push through the fears of change and being stuck by moving into our own power and bringing equality to all!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Creative Will

My recent article, Creative Will is now available for your enjoyment and inspiration in the March CIL Magazine.  I discuss the Cosmic Fire of Uranus and the Creative Will it brings us. Where ever Uranus in Aries is falling in your chart will be the energy of the Tower and Fool Tarot Cards and this is discussed as well.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Children Learn What They Live

By: Dorothy Law Nolte, 1972

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

This is so important for us to remember and realize how growing up with any of these as children are brought into our lives to be relived as adults. Clearing what is not working for us is the first step to freedom!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Do I Transform My Life?

The transits happening now are forcing people to look at their lives from a new perspective. Many are realizing the paths they are on are not working for them. Clients and friends are asking, “How do I transform and fix my life?”

The steps taken on your life path depends on the individual; but in many cases the questions to ask and things to address are universally the same. On the road to self-awareness you will find many challenges, blessings and discover your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. 

*Focus on You
(Not on the things you can’t change.)

*Figure out what is most important to you.

*Make a Plan
(Action Steps)

*Take action steps by doing something small you can physically take in the new direction! Keep forward movement.

*Ask for Help, Guidance & Support from God (Source), your Angels, Guides & Friends  (When the student is ready the teacher appears.)

*Be Open to New Ways of Being, Thinking & Looking at things from New Directions. (Don’t continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect a new result. This is insanity. Only you can change your world.)

*When Passion Connects to your Heart & you Love what you do - you know you are fulfilling your Soul’s Purpose.

*Remember to Always Love You. Be Patient with the Process and Yourself!

*Give Gratitude and Thanks Everyday for Everything!

*Be Creative - Creativity Helps us Heal. Cooking, Writing, Designing, Drawing, Crocheting - the possibilities are endless!

* Look Forward - Remember Your Path is what Lies in Front of You.

*Clear out possessions and things you own - keep only what you need and love.

*Most importantly - Seek help for emotional clearing! (An emotional trigger can send you off on a tangent and cause you to miss what you need to gleam and see in each experience. We must grow to become all we were meant to be!)

*Know Thyself - The ego can sabotage us when it doesn’t feel safe doing new things or trust a new direction. It must cooperate and learn to trust the guidance of the Higher Self; The Wise Part of Us.

*Love and Honor You.
Who knows how to Love you better than You? Don’t expect someone else to fill this void of Love. It is not possible and we set ourselves up for pain by placing this expectation on someone else.

*Look to See Where your Blocks and Resistance Are – Work through them. Don’t let them stop you. Your gifts lie in them.

*Make a positive shift in your thinking. Watch to see where the negative thoughts are, realize they become live thoughtforms and go to the opposite polarity of positive thoughts.

Many people are going through this process of alchemy, transformation and change to align with their higher self and the work they came here to do. We need to do everything thing we can to help this shift into a new paradigm and new emerging world consciousness. Many blessings!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Conquering the Hurdles of Love

This Valentine's Day was filled with challenging energy and lessons on love. My recent article helps us understand more about conquering these hurdles of loving us and others. 

There is article after article to help take new perspectives and understandings on LOVE, current predictions and the list goes on. Stop by and get inspired by Conscious Inspired Living Magazine and read my latest article. 

Love is the answer and remembering we are all connected and deserve kindness and compassion!

CIL Magazine, February Issue
Don't forget to visit the wonderful free meditations!

Uranus in Aries

On March 11, 2011, Uranus goes into Aries. Uranus rules rebellion, uprisings, sudden change, groups and humanitarianism to name a few. We will continue to see major changes in our world as this energy continues to build for revolution and a better way for us as individuals and the whole. Action steps and the creative will of the people will come together as it moves into Aries. This energy can move like lightening and will be electrifying in many ways.

This energy is detached from emotion, it is about passion, making dreams come true, utopia and it is about bringing change into the world at a core level from the ground up.

This is the beginning of a brand new 84 year cycle for the planet Uranus as it moves through the zodiac. So new seeds planted with Uranus in Pisces will begin to sprout and take root and spring forth as small plants. Some will survive and thrive and others will die. Nurture those thriving and allow the unhealthy ones to pass out of your life.

Many times when change is affected it can take some time to create the inertia for movement. Once this movement starts it can swing too far to the opposite side before it comes back to the middle where compromise and harmony happen. 

It is happening on an individual and collective level. 

This time is about awakening the lower nature/self to the higher intellect/self and allowing a positive shift in our consciousness to emerge as individuals; so when we come together in groups, they are a thriving, healthy organism to affect change for the highest good of all!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The January 2011 Issue of Conscious Inspired Living Magazine is an incredible place to go to get inspired for Soul Centered Living. My new soular astrology article is now ready for reading at this link.

Enjoy the many inspiring articles this magazine has to offer every month.  If you aren't reading CIL magazine every month you are missing out!


"As you sow so shall your reap."
"Do onto others as you would have others do onto you."

Follow the 3 RES. RESpect for others. RESpect for yourself. RESponsibility for all your actions.  Dalai Lama

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
Wayne Dyer

Karma is the outcome of the thoughts and actions we take.   
We all make choices everyday for our highest good or not. People think they get away with their harmful choices that hurt themselves and other people, but we don't.

This is an important concept to get for humans, because we don't have to be the ones to enforce karma. It needs no address and vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord. I am writing about this now, so others may let go of feeling the need for retribution towards others. There are so many relationships breaking up and upheavals too numerous to mention here. We need to all fill our hearts with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness. We are all connected! 

We don't understand the filter other people are coming from, their patterning, what is normal to them and we can only understand our own.  So it is in our best interest to allow others to be and unfold in their own timing. This doesn't mean we must continue to allow abuse in our lives.

Nothing we do is trivial. When people have affairs, lie, act deceitful, sneak around, have secrets, talk badly about others, steal, have addictions, verbally or physically abuse others; they hurt themselves as well.  All actions have outcomes, and all outcomes have greater ramifications than you are aware of. What goes around, comes around.

Karmic law isn't based on any religion, faith, or tradition; it is a natural law which simply exists irrespectively!  Karma is a universal principle which states 'All action and reaction must be opposite and equal." It is the main reason why I try to be the best I can be. Self preservation and self knowledge are tools to help me live a more joyful, happier life. It helps us light the way to a better way for all.

As a society we must always have boundaries and not allow lawlessness. The same goes for us as individuals. The main thing is for us to not judge, lest we be judged. Yet remain true to you, your values and belief systems. These may change over time. the main thing is to do the best you can always!

Job 4:8 Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same. (Karma)

Deu 24:16 The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Karma)

Psa 7:15 He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. (Karma)

Psa 7:16 His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate. (Karma)

Psa 9:16 The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. (Karma)

Hosea 8:7 For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up. (Karma)

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Karma)